Friday, June 8, 2012

A Hobbyists' Birthday

Another year down, and I'm ever closer to coming home. I've been in Holland for several months now, and though this place has its good and bad...I prefer my posts before this. There isn't much more I can Say about being in Singapore. That place is awesome, and I can't wait to go back. Between Singapore and Holland was Sana'a, Yemen. Yemen was pretty bad in 2011, and was all over the news. That didn't make much difference to the parties we had.

I was fortunate enough to spend my day In Amsterdam. Good times. Saw some things, bought some shoes, sheesha, and a silk tie. Ate like a king, and had some drinks for atmosphere. Again, good times.

So, don't expect Milo's review this week. I'm sorry for the delay, but it's been a rough few weeks, and it's seldom I get anything done outside normal work. Now, I kind of want to unwind before I dig into plastics again. However, he will be done.

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